Friday, October 12, 2012

end of Week 8

Okay so for all means and purposes, uni life is not that bad and I have kept up with all assignment datelines and test results so far have been alright but this week was just bad. I slept really late for most nights and missed quite a few morning lectures. I keep having self doubt over whether the work I am doing is good enough. I feel guilty over wasting time that I could have used to study and catch up on readings that I am so far behind in.

But one week to rest and play abit isnt too bad right? is it too late? omgawd! anxiety!

ok so lets look forward.
next week --> sleep between 11.30 and 12 everyday, go for all lectures, will be finally finishing RP! , exercise and eat well and work harder in general!

Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusements but in virtuous activities.